Millers in Shanghai

Millers in Shanghai

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Good friends and a HIKE!

 One thing we love about going to Utah for the summer is the chance to catch up with good friends.  We were lucky enough this summer to be able to get together with two families we knew in Michigan.  Good friends!
Time flies!  It's amazing how much they have all grown.  Nash and Josh were just 4th grade boys when we left Michigan.  Now they have both graduated! 
 Another thing we love is the WADLEY FAMILY!!  We love seeing them each year.  We have lots of memories with this fine family!  
 My brother is the scout master for his ward.  He has taken all of our boys to numerous scout camps and both Nash and Grant on the 50 mile hike.  This summer, it was Luke's turn.   We haven't been able to do scouts in the various places we have lived, but we wanted the boys to experience what they could in the great scouting program.  Thanks to my brother, they've been able to.  Here Luke is getting his pack ready.
 Luke's pack weighed in at around 30 pounds.  That's a weeks worth of clothes and food.  

 My great sister-in-law made this sign for the troop when they returned from their week long hike.  YIPPY LUKE!  You made it!!
Nash had an extra special treat at the end of July.  He was able to get his wisdom teeth out.  We had the special treat of filming him as he was coming out of the anesthetic and those videos...they are gems!  Major blackmail material.