Millers in Shanghai

Millers in Shanghai

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

August 2013: Thomas family campout and more summer fun

 Every year we have the great Thomas family camping trip.  We have had this camping trip since I was very small.  We love going up to Idaho and being with all our extended family.  My aunts and uncles, my cousins and their kids. 
 Some of the family prefer sleeping in cabins, over, my back thanks me every year.  This year we all gathered at the cabin my family was staying in to play some games.  My sister brought the greatest game ever!  It was obviously intended for boys...which works perfectly since the majority of grandchildren in our family are boys.  You spin the spinner, it tells you what color of jelly bean to get.  You choose an opponent. You both get the same color jelly bean.  The trick is, each jelly bean will have one of two flavors.  For example, black was black licorice or skunk.  You never knew what you would get.  Let me just say, it was priceless to watch the faces as people ate their jelly bean!  My favorite in this picture though is my sisters face! (standing on the left)
 My nephew challenged his Mom.  She won.
 Almost the entire extended Thomas family. My grandma would be so happy to see us all together. 
 Obviously, it runs in the family.
 I love my siblings.  I wish we could get together more often.
 The fun never stops!  Luke at Airborne.  I love this place because it completely wears everyone out!
My dad read in the paper that they were going to do a hot air balloon launch not far from their home so Mallory, her cousin, my dad and I got up early and went to watch.  It was a beautiful  morning.

My boys!  This was just before we left for the airport to come back to Hungary.  We sure miss having Nash around here.