Millers in Shanghai

Millers in Shanghai

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Letter: 11 August 2007

Vacation is over

We returned from our 7 week trip to the states on 5 August. We were happy to be home and happier that the 25 hour trip was finished. The kids all did really well on the flights both going to the states in June and coming back.

It was tough trying to keep everyone awake for the rest of the day when we returned. Creed and Grant were falling asleep when it was their turn to read during family scripture time. I was clapping my hands and trying to keep everyone awake since it was only 4:00 pm. We only made it until around 6:00 pm that night and then everyone crashed. We were all up the next morning by 4 am and have taken all week to finally sleep in until 6:00 am. I think we are all back on schedule now.

School started for the boys on Thursday. They all seem to be very happy with their teachers and the friends that are in their classes. Nash is a little overwhelmed by the amount of homework in grade 7 and also the expectations, but he’ll get into the groove of things and be fine I’m sure.

Fun summer

We spent a lot of time traveling this summer. Last year we stayed mostly in Utah with my parents, but this summer we went several places. It was hectic at times, but we loved seeing so many friends and family and having so much fun.

We started out the summer in California. We stopped for a week in LA. Creed came with us there and then flew back to Jakarta after the week.

We met up with my parents and Heather’s family at Disneyland. It was a great way to fight jet lag and have fun with family. We ran the kids into the ground to keep them awake and within two days we were all adjusted. We had a great time riding all the rides and enjoying the fresh, cool air -- something we really miss.

We said goodbye to Creed, who flew back to Jakarta, and then the rest of us flew to Utah. We spent that first week in Utah going to dentist appointments and doctor appointments.

The first week of July we flew to Michigan to spend some time with friends. It was so good to see friends and go back to our old ‘stomping ground’. The boys loved seeing our old neighborhood. We were so thankful for the hospitality of the Deem family and the Larsen family. They let our big crew stay at their homes. Thank you!!!

We returned to Utah and had a great time with cousins and then went to Island Park, Idaho for the annual Thomas Family Camping Trip. The boys were in heaven being able to run all over and have freedom. My Dad was kind enough to have bikes for them so they spent a lot of time riding around and going to the ‘Ewok Village,’ a little place in the woods that had a lot of platforms and the remnant of an old tree house someone had built.

We also loved the float trips down the river in the tubes. The boys could have done it for days. They even tried to set the record for the most times down in one day.

It was great to see several of my Aunts and Uncles and my cousins and their families. We had fun playing games and talking and relaxing.

Creed flew into Utah the day before we returned from Idaho. We spent the next day in Provo visiting Grandma Priday, going to BYU and meeting up with the Willis family who were on their way home after just moving to the US from Jakarta. We will miss them here this year.

We spent the next week in Kansas City with Creed’s parents. We really enjoyed going down to Branson with them and going canoeing on the way. The boys loved it. Mallory wasn’t so sure and was very happy to have the 3 hour trip over with, but the rest of us had a great time.

We went to Silver Dollar City for a couple of days and the boys talked Creed and me (more me, because I’m becoming a chicken in my old age) into riding every single roller coaster there. We also toured Marvel Cave, which was really fascinating. It was great!

We also enjoyed 3 shows in Branson and some shopping, then arrived back in Overland Park, stopping for some Gates BBQ (Creed’s favorite) when we arrived in town. That night the Fullmer’s arrived, on their way back to Tennessee from Utah. We all had so much fun and were so glad to have been able to see them.

Our last few days in Utah were spent running around trying to get the last minute things accomplished. It’s always a challenge to try to collect a year’s worth of various things for our time here. It’s more of a challenge to try to pack it all into the 11 suitcases and not have them be over the weight limit! We made it though, just barely.

We were again reminded of how fortunate we are to have been born in the country that we were. The past two summers that we have gone to the US I have realized it more. The Fourth of July hits a tender spot with me now and I can hardly hear the Star Spangled Banner without tears coming to my eyes. We have learned that we are very blessed to have what we have. We have learned that it is our duty to give more and help more. We hope that this last year in Jakarta, we can do that.

Again, we are so thankful that we were able to see so many family and friends. It boosts our spirits and helps us get through another year. Our time went so fast, and we regret that we weren’t able to see more of you. Thank you to those of you that hosted us and put up with us.