Millers in Shanghai

Millers in Shanghai

Sunday, November 8, 2009

October 2009 - Halloween

The kids and their creations this year -- Grant's idea to make the jack o'lantern vomit, and Mallory's idea to make the spider.

Halloween night -- preparing the costume.

Luke was Sherlock Holmes, and Mallory was a cheer leader.

We took the kids trick or treating in the apartment complex across from their school - here's Mallory with her friends.

Luke and his friend, Logan -- apparently more interested in the glow sticks than in collecting candy.

Grant spent the day with his friend, Austin, at an amusement park for his birthday, then we met them that night after trick or treating. Grant's French painter costume (hard to see the beret he bought in France a couple of weeks ago) is mostly covered by his sweatshirt.