Millers in Shanghai

Millers in Shanghai

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Photos: 19 April 2006 #1

This is a common sight in our house - if anyone is sitting at the computer, Mallory will come up to you and ask to sit on your lap. She especially likes looking at photos and listening to music on the computer.

This is Nash with his friends Rish, Guido, and Doo Yun at our house after returning from a skirmish with some Indonesian kids at the bike track. Some of the boys are more dramatic than others.

This is Grant, Luke, and their friend Spencer at the Family Fun Fair, waiting to get drenched.

Grant at the top of the climbing tower. Nice photography, though, isn't it? It appears as if the climbing tower is as tall as the two apartment buildings in the background.

Grant and his friend, Spencer, during (above) and after (below) their duel on the pole. I think they both fell off the pole.

Nash has been participating in a singing group at school called the PIE Pipers (PIE = Pondok Indah Elementary, the name of their school). They performed a couple of songs in the auditorium on the morning of the Family Fun Fair.