Friday, 1 June was a holiday - Waisak Day, a Buddhist holiday, so the boys didn't have school and I didn't have to go to work. The boys had birthday and end-of-the-year parties to go to. We also saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, played soccer at the school a couple of times with the boys, played some games at the house, fired our cook (she's been complaining about having to cook dinner, but we sure thought that was firmly in the job description of "cook"), hired a new cook (who starts tomorrow), and went to end-of-the-year concerts.
On Saturday our water pump went out, so a repairman came to replace a part on the pump. The boys took the opportunity to climb up and take a look around. Yes, I got in trouble for allowing them to go up there. That huge satelite dish on our roof doesn't work - I guess nobody ever took the time to take it down.
Luke made his initials out of marbles.
Here's Luke performing a small speaking role in his Grade 1 performance about the states of matter.
Mallory got another "princess dress." She loves to wear it.