Millers in Shanghai

Millers in Shanghai

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Photos: 19 April 2006 #2

Luke came downstairs on Sunday morning, proud as can be at how he had gotten himself ready for church. I had to take a photo of him, because it cracked me up -- hair slicked around (he loves getting his hair wet, but then he combs it in no particular direction), collar folded in, one side unbuttoned, and a tie with a big spot of toothpaste on it. He gets high marks for effort - we're still working with him on his form, though.

Mallory fell in love with her new Easter dress instantly. She always holds her new clothes up to her like this, then parades around the house to show everyone.

Happy as can be in her new Easter dress.

Mallory surrounded by her fans, chocolate in hand, reading a book she received from the Easter Bunny.

Luke came home from school one day saying he really liked the star fruit, second only to rambutan (I think they had tried it in class that day). We bought one and cut it up last night. Luke was all too willing to pose for this photo, of course.